I can't tell you when I first started to get into healing, but it always felt normal to try and help others. I was always drawn to those in need although often it would be to my own detriment as I would put friends family and complete strangers needs before my own. If I could help them then it didn't matter about my own needs or wellbeing. I have learnt now though, later on in life that this isn't always a good thing. Often you are taking away others choices and power to help themselves. I've also learnt (perhaps the hard way that some people don't actually want to change or aren't ready to be helped or 'healed' and in some ways they get something out of being how they are and that's ok. It's not my duty to 'fix' others and it was quite arrogant of me to believe so at the time. Nowadays I let people come to me and don't try to force my help or interfere.
I moved to East Sussex from London after a difficult relationship break up and soon after joined the local Spiritualist Church. Here I sat in a mediumship development circle when I could for about a year. I loved this and found myself picking up lots of messages from those that had passed over and also feeling very connected to two guides one being my mediumship guide and the other being a healing guide. I was asked to do platorm work but I got scared and chickened out and then the messages seemed to slow down and my guide kept telling me 'you need to do healing'.
What even was 'healing' I had no interest in it I was resistant and thought it a bit strange and not for me, but decided to not chicken out again and put my name down on a list that had popped up one week on the notice board for the next 'Spiritual Healing Course'.
As soon as I did others from my mediumship circle also put their names down and it suddenly felt exciting and right, in fact I would describe the 9 month course which took place every Monday evening as one of the best things I had done. I also tell people that although I was a single parent of two young children and found it hard to do anything i managed to get childcare every single week so was able to attend and complete the course. This must have been meant to be!
Next time I will write more on the course and continue on with how I started out - never thought I'd be writing a blog but then I never thought I 'd be a healer. I believe everything happens in divine timing and sometimes we just let go of any fears and just do it.
Thank you for reading
Love and healing blessings